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  These citations are in MLA format of 6/04


“Fatal compulsion”. Interpol Investigates. National geographic channel.


 Imhoff J, John. Stephen P Cuttler. “Interpol: helping police around the world.” Law & Order. March 1999. Vol 47, issue 3. Pg 4,33.



Kendal, R.E. ”drug control: Policies and practices of the international criminal police Organization.” United nations. 1 Jan 1992.17 Nov, 2004


 Moss, Frank E. “Terrorists and stolen passports”.  Congressional Testimony.

            Interpol. June 23. 2004.



 Noble. Ronald K. “counterfeited goods funding terrorism”. elibrary. Congressional


Testimony. Interpol. July 17, 2003.



 Noble. Ronald K. “The threat posed by the convergence of organized crime: Drug Ralf


Mutschke trafficking, and terrorism”. Elibrary. Congressional testimony. Interpol.



Salter, Chuck. ”Terrorists strike fast… Interpol has to move faster: Ron Noble is on the


case.” Fast Company 1 Oct 2002: Pg 96.



 Shaw, Ibrahim. ”Criminals beware, Interpol is wiring up Africa” New African 1 Aug,


            2003: Pg 43.



Smith, Craig S. ”Few nations check to see if passports are stolen, Interpol says”. New


York Times 23 Aug. 2004, late edition.: Pg A.9.



“Terror in the skies.” Interpol investigates. National Geographic channel.


Blashfield, Jean F. Interpol. Milwaukee: World Almanac ® Library, 2004. Pg 4-47.


 “Interpol Information.” Interpol. 2002. 11 Jan. 2005<>



 Zucchio, David. Rotella, Sebastian. “ REPONSE TO TERROR; Interpol hopes


terror investigation keep in touch; probe: international police agency says its


criminal databases and communication network could prove invaluable.;”  Los


Angeles Times 2 Dec, 2001,



 Rohn, Edward J. “Policing the web: Interpol” Bradford 2001. Vol. 24,


pg. 270, 3 pgs



 Bray, Paul. “Policing the internet” The Hutchinson Dictionary of computing, 


Multimedia, and the internet. Helicon, 2003. eLibrary.


“Dangerous company ”. Interpol Investigates. National geographic channel.


Bruggerman, Willy. “International law enforcement co-operation: a critical assessment.”


European journal on criminal policy and research. Fall 2003”pg 283-290.



 Miller, Kirk. “policing the world society: historical foundations of International police


co-operation.” Contemporary sociology. Sept.2004:vol33 iss5. pg 597-600.


Lee, Peter G. Interpol. New York: Stein and Day, 1976. pgs 18-25, 156-157 ,182-183.


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